Privacy Policy

By registering and using Hani (including but not limited to Hani’s website, application and other services, collectively the “Hani”) you will provide us, and we will collect, information about you, including information used to identify you. This is what we call your “Personal Data”. This means data that lets you identify yourself directly, like your family name, first name or your image, or indirectly such as your password, phone number, or your browsing or session data. It is important for you to know how this Data is collected, what we do with it and for how long, so you can be fully informed about your rights. This is why we have prepared this document, which we have tried to make as clear and simple as possible. This Privacy Policy is an integral part of our General Terms of Use for Hani. It should therefore be read alongside our General Terms of Use. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully, it applies every time you access Hani.


In order to operate Hani, we collect the information (i) which you provide to us directly, as well as (ii) data which we collect automatically, within the territory where we provide our services and where the user is located.

1.Data you provide to us directly:

Registration data: in order to be able to use Hani, you must create an account and provide us with the following personal details:

Your name and pseudonym (both of which are visible to other users) Your date of birth: this information will not be provided to other users, although they will be able to see your age. Minors under 18 are not permitted to use Hani. Your gender: you can choose whether or not to specify you are male or female, but you must tick one of the boxes. This information will not be visible to other users. Your profile picture: the photo that you choose to use as your profile picture must be of you. This will allow other users to identify you on Hani and allow us to ensure that people do not use false profiles, which guarantees not only the security of the application, but your security too. The password that will enable you to log into your account. Naturally, this data is not visible to other users, and you should never share it with other users. Your password is personal and secret. It must contain at least 8 alphanumeric characters. It is required to ensure the security of your account.

2.Data concerning your interaction with Hani:

if you report a problem to us, request help or exercise your rights, we will process the information you provide to us. In addition, in case of reasonable doubt as to your age, we may ask you to verify your age and ask you for the following information; Copy of your ID document or school card (which is not shared with other users and is immediately deleted after verification by our teams). A short video of you pronouncing 3 random words (which is not shared with other users and of which we only keep a screenshot after our teams have checked it).

3.Data concerning your activity on Hani:

when you use Hani, we can collect and process information such as the date you register, the date you last logged in, your interactions with other users (number of likes or dislikes via swipes) and your posts. We will also detect inappropriate contents such as explicit language, emojis with hidden meaning, sexual images (e.g. nude or underwear photos), gory, violence, terror, racism, extremism, drugs, self-harm, suicide, gamble, infringement of others’ rights and other illegal or dangerous contents automatically in order to ensure the security of the application and our users.

4.Data concerning your location (geolocation):

subject to your consent and the consent of your legal guardian where required, we collect and process data concerning your location. This enables you, depending on your settings, to include the town/city where you are located in your profile and/or to suggest people in your town/city to add as friends. Your city is hidden by default unless you change the settings to make it visible. If you no longer wish us to know your location, simply untick the relevant box in your account settings. We will therefore no longer be able to display your town/city or suggest meeting nearby friends.

5.Data concerning content:

the photos and/or videos that you decide to upload to your profile will be visible to all users. Be careful what you share with others and don’t forget that all users can save the content you share and that we cannot do anything to stop this and therefore bear no liability for any loss or damage related to it. When you are using the application, be aware that it is possible to deactivate screenshots and screen-record (images and video) by other users in the application, but it is also possible for other users to make screenshots and screen-record (images and video) using the tools on their device, over which we have no control and therefore bear no liability for any loss or damage related to it. The same goes for the videos you post and comments you make via the Hani live video service. The messaging service is only available to users who are friends. Messages exchanged between users remain private and are not forwarded to other users or third parties under any circumstances, except in the event of a judicial inquiry and/or in accordance with the laws and regulations in force.

6.Data concerning search preferences:

you can configure your settings for privacy and discovery settings by going to ‘Settings’ in your account. You can also use your settings to choose to meet female friends, male friends or both. You can also choose whether or not you wish your contacts that are registered on Hani to be able to find you and send you a friend request via the application.

7.Data concerning devices and hardware:

we collect information from and on the devices and hardware you use to access Hani such as the IP address, type of device, advertising identifier (e.g., Google’s AAID and Apple’s IDFA, both of which are randomly - generated numbers that you can reset by going to your device settings), application bugs, version and language, operating system, etc.

Device address book: as Hani is an application for making and staying in touch with friends, you are permitted to identify your contacts who are already registered on Hani and to add them, if you so wish, as friends on the application. You can also choose to send a message to your contacts who are not on Hani to ask them to join you on the app. In order for us to provide this service, we need access to your address book, which we will use to collect data for the above purpose only. We will never add your contacts without your permission, or send them any spam.

Cameras and photos: in order to be able to send and upload your photos from your camera, you must give us permission to access them.


When we collect and process your Personal Data, we may do so for the following reasons:

To enable you to access Hani and use the services we provide: this actually means that you are performing the contract we have with you, which corresponds to our General Terms of Use, which includes this Privacy Policy. For example, when you use Hani, we use your data to operate your account, make your profile accessible, suggest friends, send your messages and the content you share, broadcast your videos live, and for marketing the service of Hani, Hani’s affiliate and third parties who provide services to you or us.

With your consent or that of your legal guardian: while we process data with your consent, you may withdraw such consent at any time by going to ‘Settings’. HOW DO WE USE THE DATA WE COLLECT? We collect, use and store your Personal Data in order to process your requests, manage our relationship and your use of Hani, optimize our services and tools in order to create and maintain a secure environment, and fulfill our legal obligations, as explained below.

Managing our relationship and access to Hani To create and manage your user account (including access to Hani services and Help); Geolocate you to put you in touch with friends nearby; To manage and store messages exchanged between users who have become friends and live videos; Where appropriate, to show you offers, content and adverts we think you’ll like, in particular when using certain paid services; To send information message concerning Hani services and your interactions with other users (Notifications) and for the marketing of Hani; To improve the quality of our augmented reality experiences, information from the TrueDepth camera is used in real time, we don’t store this information on our servers or share it with third parties. Security and fulfilment of legal and contractual obligations To respond to requests from and fulfil the requirements of applicable laws, administrative and judicial authorities, law enforcement officials and legal officers, and to abide by court decisions; To identify and prevent fraudulent activity and threats to the security of Hani pursuant to and in accordance with the law; To analyze reports concerning users who have breached our Terms of Use and/or the regulations in force; To improve the safety and security of our services; To use information collected via cookies or any other technology to improve our services and your user experience. You can read our Cookies Policy by clicking here; To enforce our General Terms of Use and this Privacy Policy; To counter fraud (for example related to age), confirm your identity, and fight against illegal activity.


You can delete your account at any time by clicking on the relevant button in your ‘Settings’. When you delete your account, you will immediately stop communicating your current and future details to our server and your profile will no longer be accessible. We will only keep your Personal Data for the period of time required to fulfil the purposes for which we process your details, unless we are permitted or required by law to keep it for a longer period of time. Generally, we will delete your Data as soon as you delete your account, unless: We are required to retain it as proof that we comply with the legislation in force (e.g. recordings of consent to our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and other similar consents are retained for five years); We are required, due to an unresolved issue, claim or dispute or applicable law, to retain relevant information until the matter has been resolved; If the data must be retained in our legitimate commercial interests, for example in order to prevent fraud and improve users’ safety and security. For example, we may be required to retain data in order to prevent a user who has been banned from opening a new account due to their illegal or dangerous conduct or a security incident; or If the users request us to delete their Personal Data.

If your age is checked, we immediately delete your ID document or school card after verification and only keep a screenshot from the short video that you will have sent us.


These service providers and partners help us to operate and improve Hani, particularly in relation to the hosting of data, studies, analyses, and statistics, the use and/or operation of the application, targeted advertising, the fight against fraud linked to the age of the user, and the assistance required by users. Please also note that we have no control over these service providers and therefore bear no liability for any loss or damage related to it. Lastly, the data we process may be forwarded to the police and to the judicial and administrative authorities in order for us to fulfil our legal obligations.


In order for your Personal Data to be processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy, such data may be transferred to one or more other countries that may or may not be within yours. We guarantee that such transfers are carried out in such a way as to ensure that the data remains confidential and secure and that it is adequately protected in accordance with the regulations in force for the protection of personal data. In this case, we offer guarantees provided by current regulations, such as standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission, which represent commitments made between companies that transfer Personal Data in order to ensure that such data remains confidential and secure.


Accordingly, appropriate technical and organizational measures are implemented to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration and erasure of your Personal Data. Nevertheless, there is no ‘zero risk’ on the internet and we cannot guarantee the security of your Personal Data 100%. That’s why it is important to let us know right away if you think you have been a victim of being attacked, stolen, disclosed, altered, or otherwise infringed of your Personal Data, by writing to us here.


You have the right to access your Personal Data and to request that it be corrected, adjusted, completed, updated. You may also request that your Data be deleted (or you can delete your account in the “Settings” section of the application), request a copy, limit or refuse the processing of your Data, or request that it be limited within the terms of current legislation. You may ask to exercise your right to data portability; in other words, your right to receive your Personal Data in a frequently used structured format and your right to send such data to another processor. As indicated above, your data is processed with your consent and you can withdraw your consent at any time by going to “Settings”. You also have the right to issue instructions as to how your Personal Data should be used after you die. In order to exercise your rights, you will be asked to produce proof of your identity of any kind. You may submit your request by sending a letter or an e-mail to us. live or on Hani in the ‘Assistance’ section. We will do our utmost to fulfil your requests, but don’t forget that this right is not unlimited and must be exercised according to the conditions of current legislation. Any request to exercise your rights should be reasonable. Where necessary, we will explain the reasons why we are unable to meet your request. If applicable, we may also charge a fee to cover necessary costs arise from the request to review or obtain copies of the Personal Data. Refusing and/or limiting all or part of the use of your Personal Data by Hani will impact the way you register and use Hani. Consequently, all or part of Hani’s functions and services are likely not to be provided. Should you have any other complaint, please contact the appropriate national data protection authority.

Updates to our Privacy Policy It may be necessary to update this Privacy Policy, in particular for us to comply with current regulations, or in case of changes to the way we use your Personal Data. You will be informed in advance of any modifications or updates by any appropriate means, in particular messages displayed on the Hani application, or by email. These changes may require your confirmation in some cases. Please check this Privacy Policy as well as other Hani’s terms and conditions each time you access Hani. In any event, continuing to use Hani implies full acceptance of this Privacy Policy and the changes made to it.